03 October 2010


Like a surprise gift it has been such a beautiful late summer's day with a brisk, warm, southerly wind, lunch outside and deck chair reading.
I can hear the crane and the heron getting ready to leave for their warmer winter residences. Any day now their noisy formations will fill the sky.
My three short stints at work in my office last week fill me with hope. So what if I can only manage short periods? Driving there, sitting at my desk and working for 1, 2 hrs, driving home and crashing out. Maybe I can do this just as much as being bored at home, shuffling around like a demented housewife and crashing out then.
On Friday Prof S and Dr Z were there and full of sound medical advice and understanding. All are really supportive - so far - reasons to be cheerful. I straightened up and cleared out a lot of useless backlog. And I got a sense of autonomy, of doing something not for the sake of keeping myself distracted, occupied.

So, while I am not getting better, I am at least improving on my coping skills. Slowly.

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