07 April 2012

It is fine to have opinions about culture; and many people across the world do honestly believe that their culture is vastly richer or better or more noble or more sacred than other cultures. This position implies nothing more than pride and limited perspective. And there is nothing really wrong with it. It is an opinion. But what is dangerous, and morally indefensible, is when opinions of cultural superiority are espoused within a dominant culture about other cultures, and then acted upon; this mix of arrogance and power are the essential ingredients of conquest, colonialism and imperialism.



  1. Yes, and I wonder why you posted this? Here in the US, we're watching the presidential candidates argue from their 'cultures' of religion and privilege. As if we didn't all spring from the same ether.

  2. This is an ongoing issue for me, but only marginally in relation to the US. On and off I work for a couple of NGOs involved with threatened peoples, land/water/food rights of indigenous populations.
