The first noble truth of the Buddha is that when we feel suffering, it doesn’t mean that something is wrong. What a relief.
Pema Chodron
Another frosty night and the sky this morning was a cold sparkly blue, so innocent. I was looking out at the contrails up high behind the bare trees listening to my GP making arrangements for a couple of tests (just to be on the safe side, don't you worry) while his receptionist was filling out the forms I need to send to the insurance so that we get a refund on the money we paid for the - by now cancelled - trip to Vienna.
What if I just get my coat and leave. What if I never again sit in a waiting room trying to remember the list of symptoms and observations I had been composing all night in my head. What if it doesn't matter at all what I say. What if I just step out into this beautiful sunny morning air and walk away.
You can walk away figuratively at any rate, into the luminous morning. Your words have taken me there too. I hope the tests go well.