16 March 2014

So yes, this winter has been exceptionally mild and yes, I loved that. Weather wise it has been easy. But other than that. Not so good. Be patient, I tell myself. Things will get better, this stubborn dry cough will ease eventually, your intestines will one day remember how to digest food in general, and all the other loose ends will fall into place, incl. that irritating lack of energy. And so on. I know, even my own eyes get this glazed look when my health is mentioned. 
So predictably repetitive.

But then again, what if this is the shape of things to come? Oh well. Let's not make a mess of it at least. Let's try.

Meanwhile, my inner hibernophile is getting ready for the day tomorrow, just mentally, mind you. Nothing green, no shamrocks or whatnots. I asked my personal Irish prince how to say happy st. patrick's day as gaeilge in Irish, and he said: couldn't give a fuck.
So there. At least I am ready.

This is the story behind the song.


  1. I wish you felt better.
    Last week I told my husband that St. Patrick's Day was coming up. He said, "Whoa! Didn't see that coming!"
    We both laughed. It's not a big deal here at our house. I do love corned beef though, which always goes on sale for the event.

  2. Corned beef??? I hope it's not green.

  3. I went out to walk the dog at 8am and yikes, the street was closed off and packed with people in green running in something I believe is called the Shamrock Run. My first clue.
    If you like green beer, I guess it's a fun holiday.

  4. Sending love and encouragement as we approach the Spring Equinox. I keep thinking of your daughter dressed as a giraffe (-:

    Following the link, I found that John O'Donohue was part of the story:


    Thank you, Sabine.

  5. AM, thank you. John O'Donohue was not only part of the story, he started the campaign.

  6. It may have been in 1999 that I drove down to Seattle to see John O'Donohue and Nóirín Ní Riain in a performance. I had listened to each of them on audio tapes previously and was astounded to think that I could see and hear them in person. The music and poetry moved me deeply. Afterwards I went up to thank them. I had bought a copy of John O'Donohue's book Anam Cara and asked if he would write down something he had said in Irish on one of the tapes. I tried to pronounce what I had heard, and he looked quite puzzled. When I explained that it translated to "Praise the young and they will blossom", he smiled and wrote in my book:

    Le meas agus _____ ? (not clear what the last word is, but the first three words mean "with respect and")

    Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí.

    John O'Donohue

  7. I enjoyed your music pick! Thanks. Thinking of you t'day!

  8. Feel better, dear Sabine. It's not fair that you don't. And fie on green beer.

    I'd rather have a cocktail anyway.

