14 June 2014

a very quiet summer weekend in June

 Our little old cat is now blind and deaf and outside, she is lost. So I watch her sleeping, sniffing in the wind, timidly wandering off and when I carry her back from wherever she got lost in the hedges, she spits and hisses.

 Last week's apricots are this week's cherries.

 an abundance of grapes this year


  1. My heart is touched by your beautiful pictures, your sweet old cat.

  2. What a lovely garden to lose oneself in. Beautiful photos.

  3. Anonymous15 June, 2014

    So much beauty and color to immerse yourself in there. Lovely. Your old kitty cat is beautiful too. Seeing her makes my heart reminisce about our old kitty boy who died in February.

  4. Such a dear cat.

    I am in awe of your exuberant garden.

  5. Your beautiful old cat looks so serene in that photo. Perhaps she is dreaming of the beauty of your garden?

  6. Lovely weekend images. Thank you for sharing. And cranky, beautiful, old kitty cat is lucky to have you (and you, her).
