18 April 2016

And so, here we are. Sitting around the breakfast table with friends, home made bread, home made jam, coffee, a fat vase of tulips, the first strawberries, spring sunlight, reminiscing about our young and wild commune days, our children, the babies and toddlers now adults, talking about our aches and pains (knees and backs and ears and eyesight) and our fears of old age, illness, loneliness and dreadful old folks homes, when suddenly, we look at each other and all we need to do is smile. We have done communal living, home birth, we carried each others' babies when they were afraid of the dark, we should know how to do this. Of course.


  1. Synchronicity. Here is what I read right after waking up this morning:

    Is it not delightful to have friends come from afar?
    -- Confucius

    Remembering where we came from, going forward together.

  2. We can do this, like everything else that has come our way. Growing old is tricky, but we're definitely getting there.

  3. yes. one day at a time. this is a lovely sharing.
