06 December 2019

music on a cold and rainy day

Two weeks until midwinter. Yesterday morning we had the first frost.

Today it rains, that cold steady type of rain that gets into the small crack where your mittens slip when you pull up your hood running down into your sleeve and you try to rub it off but doing so you drop your mitten into a puddle and while bending down to retrieve it, you hood falls back and rain trickles down your spine and now the one mitten is wet inside and of course you only notice this after you put it back on which makes it rather difficult to take it off again later when you need to get your keys out to open the door so you roar at the top of your voice and kick the door a bit whereupon R opens it from the inside and you are safe. And dry. And warm.

Thanks to Robin always for this idea of music on a Friday.


  1. Beautiful, perfect song.

  2. Well let's hear it for happy endings! We're having similar weather here.

  3. I like that song but I don't like how it's played here, too fast for me. Although, I must say that Richie Havens is an incredible guitarist.

    It sounds like you had a bad awful day in the rain.

    I'm just having a bad, awful day in general. I hate depression. It's just too damned hard.

  4. Not a great rendition of this song...too much clapping to my ear. I know how a day can leave each act a major production! Just settle and take baby steps...and I'm glad you've got someone around to help out!

  5. Oh walking through that door where it's safe and dry and warm. Yes, that's home. I love listening to Richie Havens. Thank you for this.

  6. ugh. cold, wet, miserable which makes the opening door and the warmth inside that much better.

  7. winter wet and cold just weighs down everything we do. music is the best balm of all!
