31 January 2020

Not that I miss it, but it feels odd to finish off January without that winter feeling. If anything, we had maybe a night or two of minimal frost, not a single snow flake and all the sounds and sights of spring. It's not over yet and February can be a real monster. I'd like to think that all this is just a quirky year but well, you know all the science and the patterns and the big picture stuff.

So for a little while, I shall enjoy that we have no winter this year. And I admit that I like it, that I've always dreaded winter and if I had magic powers, would do away with it once and for all.

Anyway, Friday it is, music day (thank you Robin) and this week it's F, so here are the Fleet Foxes singing about winter.


Anonymous said...

I have never heard this song before, and I love it so much. We've had quite a winter here. I won't miss it when it finally goes. Thank you for posting such beautiful music.

Colette said...

I liked the music very much, and REALLY enjoyed the visuals. Beautiful, numinous.

ellen abbott said...

most of January was very spring like but thi last week has definitely been winter. supposed to warm up a little for a few days and then another week of winter. I like mild winters too but these days it's a little scary since the summers are getting more brutal.

Steve Reed said...

You may be getting your wish re. doing away with winter once and for all!

Secret Agent Woman said...

We seemed to have skipped mostly over winter here.

Linda dev said...

I love this Sabine. Wonderful