21 February 2020

For what it's worth, I have tried and failed. There was a bit of tsk tsk tsking yesterday when I finally sat down in front of my GP but we both had a moment of hilarity when I eventually got up again, waving my latest sickness certificate (which allows me to stay home until Wednesday). It was her mentioning work life balance that made me smile at first and when I told her how my boss had responded to my calling in sick (how much can you work from home?) we both laughed out loud.

For lack of energy and also because I am somewhat deranged in my mental capacities (hello vertigo), this is a short post. But here's a bit of music from Italy - after all, it's Friday, music day.

Gianmaria Testa

Lascia che torni il vento
E con il vento la tempesta
E fa che non sia per sempre
Questo tempo che ci resta

(Let the wind return
And with the wind the storm
And let it not be forever
This time we have left)


  1. I love your posts. So well-written and insightful. I appreciate that you use some of your energy to make the day better for others.

  2. Nice to know the English translation of the words. Keep laughing, it's good for you (and me, and everyone!)

  3. oh Sabine, if only I could wave a magic wand and fix you. my own problems pale.

  4. Thanks for the Eng. translation. May the storm pass. Yes, laugh at every opportunity to release those healing endorphins.

  5. I hope the vertigo has stopped and that the world is steadier again for you everyday. Please take care there. Thank you for this music. What a voice. Wow.

  6. That music is beautiful. Thank you.

    And your boss, wow. Does he or she not understand your illness?

    Sending hugs and hope the vertigo passes and you feel a little better.

  7. Aaack, vertigo! I'm thinking of you with love.

  8. Gianmaria Testa is good company when things are difficult. With a little Googling, I learned more about him and listened to him sing other songs, which made me like him even more. Thank you for introducing me to yet another person whose music I might never have heard otherwise. So much is conveyed in a person's singing voice. Even with no translation, Gianmaria Tesla has my full attention. What a surprise to find that the figure in the boat was a child. Sending love.

  9. Will until Wednesday be enough? I hope the vertigo eases soon.

  10. Thanks for translating this song for us, Sabine. Wishing you get well soon, but take good rest now! Sent up some prayers for your healing and wishing you good health. I've read a bit about vertigo so I hope things are getting better at your side, and you're starting work soon.

  11. I wish you could work from home at will. I have not a doubt in the world you are diligent and good at what you do, so I wish your boss would just put it in your hands to decide when to come in and when to work from home.

  12. I am still improving with English, can at least communicate in French, and I make feeble scratchings with German. But Italian is beyond me. This is sad because, when singing, it helps if you can understand what the words mean. Of course I can check translations before or after but it's not quite the same.

    Is this your translation? If so I envy you. I assume you are thus able to follow Mozart's greatest trio as it is sung:

    Soave sia il vento,
    Tranquilla sia l'onda,
    Ed ogni elemento
    Benigno risponda
    Ai nostri desir.


    By now I do know the general sentiments and, in any case, the music turns my knees to jelly. And these words are close to English. But words are my trade and I have this urge to see, hear and speak words at their best. As they are here:

    Là ci darem la mano, là mi dirai di sì.Vedi, non è lontano; partiam, ben mio, da qui.
    Vorrei e non vorrei; mi trema un poco il cor. Felice, è ver, sarei, ma può burlarmi ancor. ma può burlarmi ancor. Etc.

    And here:

    Dies Bildnis ist bezaubernd schön,
    Wie noch kein Auge je gesehn.
    Ich fühl' es, wie dies Götterbild
    Mein Herz mit neuer Regung füllt.
    Dies Etwas kann ich zwar nicht nennen,
    Doch fühl' ich's hier wie Feuer brennen;
    Soll die Empfindung Liebe sein?
    Ja, ja, die Liebe ist's allein.
    O wenn ich sie nur finden könnte!
    O wenn sie doch schon…

    Different languages are said to divide. But only by the eternally lazy and the eternally monoglot. I scratch around, knowing that zauber means magic and Auge eye. Germany wouldn't be German without German. Mann musst kampfen.

    I sort of floated in, now I'm floating out.

  13. I hope you are safe and well. Probably a good idea to stay home now, wash your hands a lot and stay away from people. I worry about you. Sending hugs and love.
