25 May 2021

rainy garden

there has been so much rain that the three big barrels collecting the rain from the small roof area of the bike shed are full for the first time in years
my darling little trellis apricot tree

buttercup takeover

lots of woodruff under the little pear tree, should make some May wine
and this is the birthday letter from Michael D. Higgins, president of Ireland (and published poet) to Bob Dylan


  1. Your garden! ¡Maravilloso! Especially the wisteria and the horse chestnut blooming together and your lovely trellis apricot tree. Thank you so much for posting the birthday letter from Michael D. Higgins.

  2. Anonymous25 May, 2021

    The rains have made your garden lush and green. Beautiful.
    Love that letter to Bob Dylan from the President of Ireland.

  3. It's great to see some photos of your garden. I see you've got some tall lilies growing, and your cosmos are blooming already! I think you're a bit ahead of us on the growing cycle. (But our rain barrels are full too.)

    That's a great letter from Higgins. He sounds like a thoughtful guy.

  4. Your garden is beautiful and green and lush. I am quite envious.

  5. love your garden and what is that tree with the spears of pink flowers?

    1. That's a horse chestnut, very common tree here. We had to cut down a massive Douglas fir tree we inherited from the previous owner as it was losing big branches every with every storm. Here, we have to get permission to cut down trees and must replace every cut down tree with an approved species (local, not too thirsty, sustainable etc.) and we chose this chestnut.

  6. Stunning colors in that wisteria/horse chestnut photo! You know that saying - you're nearer to God in a garden than anywhere else on earth? Certainly looks like it would apply to yours. And isn't there a bit of the poet lurking, not only in Michael Higgins but in every Irishman/woman?

  7. Lily has a new name for her blog.

    1. Thanks! I'd hate to lose contact.

  8. Love that trellis apricot tree. I could appreciate having one of those. I read of all your rain and lament being unable to share some of it in our increasingly drought-ridden area.
