03 July 2021


 Today in a conversation I was told that I should learn to identify as a "person of the female gender" as opposed to "woman" in order to enable the term "transwoman", I was also told that as a mother, I should from now on call myself a "person who gives/gave birth" to avoid discrimination of those who cannot.

Please help.


  1. Well, I am telling you that whoever you were talking to is a bit of an idiot. Ignore.

  2. I hate being told what I "should" do. Tell them, they "should" keep their opinions to themselves. You are a very open minded woman, I don't think someone needs to should you.

  3. Anonymous03 July, 2021

    I agree with Ms Moon. Totally ridiculous in every way.

  4. Not sure how to help, except to say trust yourself. You know who you are and how to identify yourself in a way that no one else can determine for you. I say these words to myself, too. Sending love.

  5. There they go.....shoulding on you.

  6. Currently in journalistic and literary writing, one tries to avoid the term female and male in favor of woman and man, something to do with biological terminology but I forget the intricacies of why. Some people are quite passionate about this! I think woman is a fine descriptor, and I don't see how it disables transwoman, certainly both can coexist. I always have to leave room for the possibility that there's some aspect of this discussion to which I am not yet educated. But that's my take for now.

  7. Lynn Marie04 July, 2021

    Am seeing the locutions "people who get pregnant" and "people who menstruate" quite frequently lately. Seems overly complicated and almost Victorian in as much as it's a way to distance against messy biology. Still not used to "WE are pregnant" to describe a couple expecting a child.

  8. and who the hell told you that? women are women (regardless of how they got there), mothers are mothers. and how the hell is calling a mother 'a mother' discriminating against the childless whether through choice or infertility? jfc. what is wrong with people. as if not calling mothers mothers is going to change anything about or for the childless. I'm all for PC so that we can all live together peacefully with all our differences but this is flat out absurd. people, get a fucking grip!

  9. Remind them that they are free to call themselves whatever they like, as are you.
