16 July 2021

Today I sat for a while with a colleague who lost everything. Two days ago, she and her partner ran for the car and raced down the street of the village where their house had just been built and where the garden was going through its first summer. She could hear the house being washed away but they never looked back. 

Another colleague told me how she and her family watched the houses in the street below theirs being flooded by mud and rain water running down the slopes and that this morning the fire brigade carried the dead from the flooded basements.

All we had here was 48 hours of heavy rain and little sleep. Our house is still here, the garden is lush and green. My neighbours are all well. We are just a short drive away. The helicopters and the sirens are all around us.

This is climate change. This is the shape of things to come. We have been warned for years.


  1. Fires, heat waves, droughts, floods. It's biblical.

    I'm glad you're okay and thanks for letting us know.

  2. Sending love to you and your colleagues and all those affected by the floods. In my circle of friends, heartfelt concern was expressed this morning for the people in Germany traumatized by the floods. You and R and the nearby river have been in my thoughts.

  3. We saw the coverage this morning of the flooding. My heart breaks for those who have lost loved ones and their homes. There are just no words for the levels of tragedy these days.

  4. Anonymous17 July, 2021

    I've been thinking of you since I read the news about the rainfall there. Oh Sabine, this is just so heartbreaking in every way. I am glad you are safe and, I feel sad for the people who lost everything. Yes, this is climate change.... the shape of things to come. It is truly overwhelming. Take care there.

  5. I'm glad to hear you're OK. When I read about the flooding you came immediately to mind. So tragic! You're right -- we'll all see more of this type of thing.

  6. I'm so sad for the flood victims. I'm so sad for the world. And the U.S. wasted 4 long critical years while an unstable moron tried to rule like a mad king.

  7. OMG Sabine. I only briefly heard about the flooding in Germany since my attention has been focused elsewhere, I did hope you weren't affected but I see it was a near thing. how awful for your friend. it's happening here too, drought or torrential rain, flooding everywhere, increasing heat and still so many refuse to accept what is happening. end times for humans perhaps. the next 50 years are going to see a planet incomplete turmoil and collapse. well, the planet will survive, maybe not humans.

  8. So sorry for those who died and those who lost so much. Glad you are safe.

  9. So much tragedy and so much of it could have been prevented. I really think it's too late to reverse now. I am glad that you and your husband are okay.

  10. I'm glad that you and your family are okay. There's nothing to say, is there?
