31 December 2021

happy new year

music to start 



lessons from 2021: 

  • Vaccines are good.
  • Democracy does not mean 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge'.
  • I tried but cannot be friends with people who accept the death of other people for their own well-being.
  • Some things are so deeply personal that they can be revealed only to strangers.
  • Life with a chronic disease does not become easier over time.
  • There exists a new level of exhaustion and tiredness that bears promise, of sleep, deep sleep, forgetting, the comfort of lying down and closing my eyes and then - nothing. Hours of nothing but sleep.

lessons for 2022: 

  • cope
  • sleep
  • read 
  • go easy on the experts 

and now for some strangely nice stuff:


  1. I love both videos, especially the sheep. Something oddly satisfying about watching that.

    Your 2nd and 4th hit home and the 5th is becoming more and more relevant as life as I know it changes into something new and unwelcome. I will adapt.

    Happy New Year!

  2. Everything about this post touches my heart.. your lessons, your hopes, the music. That observation that there are some things that are so personal they can only be shared with strangers brought tears to my eyes. Yes. so true.
    I wish for you and your loved ones a wonderful and hopeful new year.

  3. What IS it about the sound of human voices? I always get a shiver. Beautiful. As are the sheep.
    And the point about the things we can only reveal to strangers? Isn't that so true?
    Well. Happy New Year, such that it is in these very odd times.

  4. So many treasures on YouTube. Thank you for sharing these. The lessons continue. A new year for lessons. A new year for reading books. All the best in the New Year to you and R!

  5. Your 2021 lessons are moving. #4 is stunning. #5 is painfully honest. The last one reminded me of a certain period of time when I took my final job before retirement, a mistake as it turned out. Terrible place. My only escape was going to sleep every night. I looked forward to it, and I counted on that deep sleep as a reprieve each night. As you say, it "bears promise."

  6. Truths. Happy New Year. May it be better.

  7. How brilliant is that sheep herd video?!?!

    Good food for thought in your post. I especially like your refutation of the idea that "my ignorance is as good as your knowledge."

  8. Number three especially rings true for me. Here's hoping for more sleep for you and for me next year. I'm chronically tired now and I want to cry from fatigue at times.

    The sheep herding video reminded me of flocks of birds, of mumurations. It was lovely.

  9. Your reflections on sleep. Oh I know. Thank you for the words, the videos. Wishing you everything good that you dream in 2022.
