23 May 2022

garden secrets

Yet another storm is brewing, the weather app is pinging and shouting. Again, we cleared the basement floors, tidied up the garden furniture, shut the green house and with any luck, it'll pass.

The skies on Friday were dramatic. But that was it. Not a single drop of rain.

Others were not so lucky and who knows what this evening will bring.

My new friends, a pair of wood pigeons, woke me at the crack of dawn. The have found a favourite spot in the almond tree outside the bedroom window, where they bicker for a while before cooing back and forth at length and at volume. I have decided to actually not mind this at all. Even at 5:30 am. 

the Robin rose

I had to get up anyway for my immunologist check-up. The new guy is very jolly and we agreed that not much has changed or needs to be done apart from more blood work to figure out the low iron levels and sure, why not, maybe see a phlebologist because of that markedly swollen right ankle etc. etc. We discussed the 30+ hrs travel (two stop-overs incl.) later this year with medication that needs to be kept below 5°C at all times. Not a good fit but there should has to be way. And in the end, in connection with one thing or another, I forget which, he uttered the fateful saying "never change a winning team" (in English) and I tried very hard to keep a straight face but failed. We then discussed at length the origin of this phrase (soccer) and how it found its way into medicine (he did recall an actual lecture with this title) and for the life of him, he couldn't see how a patient as tolerant as myself could find this inappropriate. I told him, he will get there over time and how silly sayings convey not a message that one can trust and that especially when saddled with a chronic illness, these stupid remarks don't get any better when one has to hear them repeatedly.  To cut him short, I uttered WTF (in English) which he thought was hilarious. And so we parted as friends.

ash, black cherry, rambling rose and mackerel skies

On my way back, cycling through the lushest of forest, I stopped at the frog spawn pond but failed to take a picture. As it was still before 10 am, I sat down for a café au lait outside at the French place and then got some of fancy tea, which is black Assam with cream flavouring and blue cornflower blossoms and a punnet of blueberries. My life of luxury.

This here is our covid patch, four square meters in a sunny spot we have left untouched in the bottom lawn since spring 2020. We just mow around it, never water it. Currently, it has about 25 different wild flower species in it, all humming with insects, one small walnut tree and a fat hedgehog moves through it at night. The secrets a badly tended lawn can bring forth. With the help of birds and squirrels and the wind.



  1. I'm so intrigued by your covid patch.

  2. I love your wild patch! We finally got a little rain accompanied by wind, lightning, and thunder. Supposed to get more tomorrow. And it's always best to be friends, only friendly terms with your doctor.

  3. "Truthisms" derived from sports terms are not my favorite.

  4. At least you parted friends. Fuck is such a wonderful word and it brings people together at times:)

    That mackerel sky is so beautiful and I love the covid patch. What a wonderful idea. Can you take pictures of it each season? That would be interesting to see the progression.

  5. Love seeing the Robin rose and all the fine photos. Love that you uttered WTF to cut the doctor short. Love the covid patch.

  6. I'm so impressed by your little patch of untended lawn. Even when we left ours untended for the whole summer, it didn't look THAT good! You've got amazing variety in such a small space.

  7. Your Covid patch is remarkable. I'm glad you felt you could express yourself with your doctor, and parted on friendly terms.

  8. I'd dispute that the saying originated in soccer - more like the gladiatorial arena. Perhaps even the Plasticine Era.

    Silly sayings, that's a bit feeble. Why not label it for what it is: a damnable cliché. Adding that those who regularly rely on cliché words and phrases, end up practising cliché behaviour, shackled by yesterday's outmoded jokes. Sitting in the corner wearing a conical hat bearing the letter N.

    Why N? Because of the need to use the German word which is even more condemnatory than the English.

    Phlebologist sounds as if two quite separate five-dollar words collided in the street, split into halves, then resumed their respective journeys as two mismatched wholes. My elder daughter was for several years a phlebotomist, obviously a couple of steps down the career ladder in the land of Phle.

  9. I am brother of RR where you comment. I read your latest post with some enjoyment, especially the "fat hedgehog." I didn't know the meaning of the WTF acronym ."The Free Dictionary" on-line gives 101 possibilities so I am none the wiser.

  10. Oh, I am intrigued with your Covid patch. My yard will soon be receiving water, and very little of that, only once a week beginning June 1st as we cope with our drought here in SoCal.
