12 October 2023

I used to think the top environmental problems were biodiversity loss, ecosystems collapse and climate change. I thought that with 30 years of good science we could address those problems. But I was wrong. The top environmental problems are selfishness, greed and apathy… and to deal with those we need a spiritual and cultural transformation and we, (Lawyers) and scientists, don´t know how to do that.


Gus Speth


Ms. Moon said...


Colette said...

Neither do our current religious leaders. This sort of change will take something remarkable, something new, or something very, very ancient.

NewRobin13 said...

I've been waiting for that transformational awakening in so many ways all of my life. I hope it happens... soon.

ellen abbott said...

well, don't expect it from the Abrahamic religions, says right there in the very beginning in Genesis that their god gave them this earth to use. not take care of but to use. we definitely need the more ancient religions that worshipped the earth to be revived and that does seem to be happening somewhat. Probably too late though.