07 November 2024

Now pay attention: you and I are among the most privileged people on this planet. We have access to information. Not only do we have the right to freedom of expression, we can even exercise it. We can be politically engaged citizens in our societies. It is absurd for people like us to think about despairing or giving up.

Anne Applebaum

A depressing day for freedom and tolerance.  The outcome of the election in the US points the way to an age of intolerance, lies and violence - worldwide, not just for Americans. Other, smaller countries have long since gone down this path. And my country, Germany is already on the way.

What do people around the world may learn from this? Why be honest and kind when lying and being rude/criminal gets you elected president twice. This overwhelming desire for leadership through authoritarian conservatism will serve as a model for populists everywhere whereby malice, unscrupulousness, brutality, isolation, lies, selfishness, wealth, lawlessness, oppression are the accepted means to success. 

Our world and humanity have suffered a great deal of damage. Yes, and maybe the only positive thing about this day for some will be to remember it for the rest of their lives. But people everywhere, we have no choice but to show courage, solidarity and organization. First and foremost, we must look after the planet, each other and the less privileged and show them that they are not alone. 

When in Germany earlier this year, the ultra-righwing fascist party gained 30% of the vote in three federal states, we went through a period of shock. But eventually, we recognised that 70% did not vote for them and that we must concentrate our efforts there. And the same is true for what happened now in the US, a slim majority voted for intolerance and hate, but a large minority did not.

This day has a great tragedy, let's make it a great strength.


Here a good example of what a joint effort can look like, from Valencia, Spain, earlier this week.


  1. Thank you for the reminder that humans can be good and altruistic. It's easy to forget in the midst of a shitshow.
    I was so upset and sad yesterday. When my husband came home, he asked what was wrong and when I told him it was the election results, he then went on to mansplain why I shouldn't be.

  2. Yes, let's make it a great strength. I hear you.

  3. The woman with two shovels in the video, among all those men with one. Wow.

  4. The woman with two shovels among all the men with one. Everyone is working hard, but what a statement she is.

  5. When I went to bed on November 5, I hoped things would change during the night because they weren't looking good.  My cat woke me up at about 3:00 a.m. but I didn't check for the election results until 4 a.m.  I remember how shocked I was when Nixon won in 1972, the first election in which I was old enough to vote.   I was sure at that time, just as I was this election, that there were enough of us to turn the tide.  It was sobering to discover that we were the minority.  This feels like a replay of that turning point in American history, but it's different because so much has happened since then, too much to mention.  Nixon resigned in disgrace, for one thing.  There are so many more of us in the minority than there were in 1972.

    All is not lost.  I remain hopeful.  Against all odds. Shoveling the mud away together.

  6. we have about two months of peace still before the worst begins. the only consolation I have, if it can be deemed such, is that those who voted for him will suffer just as much as those who didn't. and they will deserve it. they say great nations and empires have a lifespan of about 200 - 250 years before they self destruct. so I guess that's where we are.
