20 January 2025

two quotes for the day

The president is currently selling caps, wrapping paper, blankets, football jerseys, boat flags, pickleball paddles, necklaces, earrings, silk ties, chopping boards, Christmas decorations, slippers, tie clips, door mats, aprons, pyjamas, socks, Advent calendars, Christmas stockings, mugs, keychains, sweatshirts, note cards, bracelets, scented candles, beach bags, flip-flops, bathrobes, towels, sunglasses, corkscrews, water bottles, stickers, jogging pants, wine and champagne glasses, earbuds, hoodies, jelly beans, cookies, chocolates, honey, jewellery boxes, whiskey decanters, trays, wallets, flasks, wines, coasters, umbrellas, golf bags, plates, ashtrays, sports bras and dog leashes – all with his name on them.

Also available are a $100,000 gold watch, a $11,000 autographed guitar, digital trading card NFTs featuring the  president in heroic historic tableaux, God Bless the USA Bibles, Never Surrender High-Top Sneakers, Fight Fight Fight Cologne for Men (‘For patriots who never back down’) and a celebratory Victory Cologne, which comes in a bottle in the shape of the president’s head.

Eliot Weinberger

If you’re feeling despair over Trump’s second regime, which begins today, I understand.

Yet I remain hopeful about America. Let me explain why.

Not since the gilded age of the late 19th century has such vast wealth turned itself into such conspicuous displays of political power. Unapologetically, unashamedly, defiantly.

This flagrancy makes me hopeful. Why? Because Americans don’t abide aristocracy. We were founded in revolt against unaccountable power and wealth. We will not tolerate this barefaced takeover.

The backlash will be stunning.

I cannot tell you precisely how or when it will occur, but I expect it will start with average Americans helping their communities and protecting the most vulnerable.

It’s unfortunate that America has come to this point. But, as a friend put it, the authoritarian forces that have been building for years are like the pus in an ugly boil. The only way we work up enough outrage to lance it, she said, is for the boil to get so big and ugly that it disgusts all of us.

Robert Reich


  1. I hope Reich is right. This country has always had it's faults but I never thought I would see it fall so low during my lifetime. Dark days are ahead, not only for us but the world.

  2. Somehow, this conman, snake-oil seller who loves his golden toilet has convinced many Americans that he is not aristocracy, he is one of THEM. It is the most bizarre thing. And they love him and buy all of his tacky worthless crap (made in China) without seeing the barest hint of the hypocrisy of the man. It is his unaccountable power and wealth that they love so much. If he can do it...perhaps they can too?
    I don't know. I wish I had more optimism.

  3. Today is Martin Luther King Day. I remain hopeful. Always grateful for the clarity of your generous posts from Germany.



  4. I'm pretty sure the boil is already that big! At least as I see it.

  5. I agree with Ms Moon, above. The blind spots and ignorance among his supporters are astonishing. That his support grew after the Insurrection, after his court conviction, astonishes me. I'm at a loss. Something is deeply wrong here in the US. I've never felt more alone in my own country.
