05 March 2025


After our recent outings in fog and wind and rain, we finally managed to have a walk in sunshine. Reasons to be cheerful.

There was still frost on the ground when we set out, walking steeply uphill, towards the rim of yet another extinct volcano.

The different layers of the soil told an ancient story. 

 On we climbed up for an hour to the top of the rim.


And finally looked down into what once was a crater full of hissing lava, cultivated into rich farmland for centuries.

By now, the sun was warm on our faces, the air was still, a single thrush was singing her heart out. We sat down and drank the coffee from our flask, leaning back, looking around us, feeling alive.



I could have fallen asleep there for hours but on we walked, down through the fields with old apple trees here and there.

 Until we found a lake.


And decided it will be a good place for a swim come summer. I timed the drive home and checked the water use permits, it's a deal. We'll be back. 

You never know which small, endearing, perhaps even bizarre gesture will be the one that gives you power. But it is there. It's waiting for you. (. . . ) After all, they only have the power we give them, and we can take it back at some point.

The killer clowns try to sound like comedians or preachers, but they only utter obscenities. At their core, they remain unloved teenagers, desperate for attention. They have nothing to offer, neither joy nor spiritual insight. If we look dispassionately behind their chaos, if we undermine them at every turn, not only will it be fun, but it will one day shake their house of cards. Proving that fear doesn't have to make us cruel and that we don't have to join in blaming others for things they never did to us is amusing and triggers the fascists at the same time.
Right-wing extremism attracts the inadequate, who can only feel superior when others are terrorised and disappear. Fascists reassure themselves with magical thinking, and fascists are, it cannot be emphasised enough, dumb as bricks.

A.L. Kennedy


  1. I love that picture at the top of the rim. What a lovely soul fulfilling walk.

    The top killer clown gave his 'speech' last night. This unloved child really hates this country that won't give him the adoration he craves unless he holds them at gunpoint and demands it. But it is empty adoration born out of fear and he knows it.

  2. What a gorgeous walk! Well done on finding a lake to swim in!
    Fascists may be dumb as bricks but oh, how clever they can be.

  3. These photos of your countryside are sublime. Now I feel as if I've been walking there and that feels good. Appreciate A. L. Kennedy's thoughts on choosing not to give one's power away to dumb bricks.

  4. What a stunning quote! It gongs like truth to me. And what a spectacular outing you had, claiming your power, not re-claiming it, because I think you are too wise to have ever relinquished it. The lake is your gesture, it was waiting for you. Thank you for this inspiration.

  5. Sounds like a beautiful day.

  6. I agree that right wing extremism seems to attract sad, angry, people who feel inadequate. I suppose it's much nicer and easier to blame others, rather than look at themselves in the mirror. What I don't understand is the "christians" who support this ugly view of the world, instead of upholding true christian values ( be kind, love one another, do unto others as you would have them do unto you). We will survive though. Being outside, walking in nature, one of the best ways to survive. I'm off shortly to walk at the dog park.
