06 December 2010

three steps forward two steps back

Well, it was too good to be true. My intentions about going back to work.
Last week after laryngitis & co had departed I managed two pleasant afternoons - and that included doing stuff at home in the mornings, even cycling and some housework.
On Friday tiny little alarm bells rang but there was so much snow and ice that I decided to stay put anyway. On Saturday I barely managed our shopping ritual but when we got home I furiously cleaned the fridge only to collapse onto my sofa for the remaining day.
And yesterday...
Today there is no getting away from it. Whatever it is, my body floors me. Literally.

So back to boring rest and fiddling around with this blog design to keep the mind from freaking out with anger and fear.


beth coyote said...

The body is a slippery bugger. As I age, I wonder who that old woman in the mirror is, the one who looks like my mother.

Sabine said...

Yeah, she stares at me most mornings as well. She has also started to leave her grey hairs in my comb.