Männertreu (men's fidelity) blue lobelia
Löwenzahn (lion's tooth) dandelion (from the French dent de lion)
Vergißmeinnicht forget me not
Storchenschnabel (stork's beak) pelargonium
Tausendschön (a thousand beauties) daisy
Gänseblümchen (little geese flower) daisy
Märzenbecher (March's cup) spring snowflake
Wiesenschaum (meadow foam) lady's smock
Buschwindröschen (little bushy windy rose) anemone
Küchenschelle (kitchen bell) pulsatilla
Rittersporn (knight's spur) delphinium
And my mother would have been able to spot many more (plus she would have reeled off the Latin names just like that). She had no time for children's books or silly nursery rhymes, but by naming a flower here and a weed there, she could kick start my imagination any time.
I guess you knew how to choose your mother. Good choice instead of saying lucky you.