05 November 2012

acoustic nerves have feelings, too

Things got harder, still. Life has interfered again with my plans. My energy level is now so low that I am crawling upstairs with a painful chest these days, trying to hide inside my bed from the booming explosions around me only to find out that they are not anywhere around but in fact inside my left ear. And that my unsteady left leaning gait, the bumping into walls on my left, and that slight but increasingly noticeable loss of hearing in the booming ear are eruptions of the volcano.
The shivers are all mine. The panic, too. And that heart, jumping and stopping and fluttering. And the nausea.
Today the experts have spoken: heavy duty drugs from tomorrow morning (if I start tonight I will not be able to sleep and I am supposed to sleep lots and lots and lots). 
And: bed rest, bed rest, bed rest, bed rest until I die of boredom. 

La la la.


  1. Sorry that the nasty ghost came out of his cage again.

  2. Yuck. Yuck drugs, yuck bedrest, yuck boredom and ear volcanoes and bumping into walls and conferring with experts and panic and nausea and your cumbered heart. F#@%.
