26 June 2015

the lungs

Breath from The Mercadantes on Vimeo.

Another lung function test, another diagnosis to accommodate into my fabulous life. Shit happens. Summer is gorgeous.


  1. Thank you, Sabine. That is so beautiful in the midst of the reality of shit happening during this splendid summer. Sending loving energy your way and through you to everyone whose breath is compromised or will be compromised. All of us. We are never alone. We are all connected. That is what I am slowly learning.

    Interesting to find that The Mercadantes live just a little bit north of San Francisco. A clue for me was seeing the Golden Gate Bridge in the background of the marriage proposal scene at the ocean at 1:58.

  2. I think of you so often. You are so real to me here in Florida.
    That's all I have to say today.

  3. Anonymous26 June, 2015

    Beautiful video of our lungs in action. I read somewhere recently that the oceans are the lungs of the planet. Our breathing earth. Thinking of you and hoping for good outcomes.

  4. Oh Sabine, yes, summer is gorgeous, and so sorry there is more shit to accommodate.

  5. Thinking of you and really hoping you get some good news. x

  6. Incredibly beautiful and moving video, Sabine. That is one for sharing! Thinking of you as you have more tests.
