07 January 2016

Breakfast this morning was an elaborate affair, minimalist design meets carved fruit, that kind of thing. It all made sense once it transpired that the person in charge is Indonesian. Hence the apple roses and grapefruit flower petals. I praised her in two languages.
I pretended to be super cool and grown up when I stepped into the adjoining building with all the gadgets of modern medicine where I was soon put into place. As in stretched out and attached to a colourful range of cables and tubes. Or maybe this was already the effect of the clemastine injection. Beautiful stuff, let me tell. When R picked me up five hours later, his first words were, hey, you are tripping. Once inside the space ship on the rainy motorway, I could see the heavy traffic through my closed eyes. And back home, after the first cup of tea, I watched some amazing cat videos and read that Germany has invaded France again.


  1. Well, tripping doesn't sound so bad, but Donald Trump is definitely a BAD trip! Glad the procedure went OK and came with an elaborate breakfast.

  2. Exactly what Steve Reed said!

  3. I'm pretty sure reading anything by Donald Trump is bad for your health. Although if you want to laugh out loud at sheer and utter stupidity, which may be good for your health, then reading Donald might be okay. Hope all is well there. Take care, Sabine.

  4. Being home with R and tea sounds good!
