14 April 2016

Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the human race.

H.G. Wells

My luck has come in again and I have been that adult on a bicycle for the last two weeks now. This is what it looks like every day when I have managed to survive 8 km of busy city traffic. This forest is my antidepressant. What you don't see - and why can I not take a picture on my phone that shows how steep it is? - is that right at the top here in this picture is where the first of two very steep hairpin bends begin.

Once I have managed these two tough bends, it gets easier and after about 4 km, it is all easy peasy level.

Right here at the t-junction I could turn left and cycle on through thick forest, vineyards and more forest for a couple of weeks, cross the Swiss Alps and the Pyrenees and eventually arrive in Santiago de Compostela because this small road is a branch of the Camino, the Jakobsweg. There was a time when we were seriously contemplating this trip. Well, maybe in another life time.

But here I turn right and go on for another 4 km through the most gorgeous lush forest, complete with small bridges and streams and very noisy birds, until I reach the university campus and my desk.

I started cycling when I was 5 years old. This bicycle here is actually a fancy electric bike. I have just completed 10,000 km on it (since 2011). It has saved me from a life of miserable chronic illness.


  1. Then I love that bike!

  2. I haven't ridden a bike for years but your post enabled me to indulge in an imaginary, vicarious bike ride. I used to like the way you can hear everything going on around you on a bike, the way you can't in a car. In a comfortable, modern un-noisy car, you think you're close to the world you're passing, but you're not. You're in a sound and smell-proof bubble.

  3. Looks wonderful. What a great ride that must be through forest and meadow. I'm trying to figure out how your baskets/bags work on either side of the bike.

  4. Beautiful! In every way.

  5. This forest is my antidepressant ... I know exactly what you mean, though I walk in mine, not cycle.

  6. I love your bike route to work! I used to ride my electric bike to work everyday when I worked at UC Santa Cruz in California. Such a wonderful way to start the work day. We still have our old electric bikes, but haven't ridden them in a while. You inspire us, Sabine, you really do. Enjoy your two-wheel anti-depressant!

  7. I am delighted by your comments. Thank you all.

    Colette, my panniers are an ancient version of a popular Dutch type, check here: http://en.hollandbikeshop.com/bicycle-bags/double-panniers/
