09 December 2016

One of my nephews, a big strong young man with a shaggy beard, some questionable habits and a degree in marine biology, is preparing to start a new job. Come January, he will spend an entire year on a research vessel in the Atlantic, way south beyond the equator, towards Antarctica, where the ocean is rough and wild and cold.
He has been a troubling and troubled boy and young man, still is at times, this is his first job opportunity in a year or even more. But he loves the sea and all the amazing life forms in our planet's oceans and while we often, with a sigh and shaking our heads, call him a chancer, a cheater, a messer in so many ways, he knows what's at stake.
This is for him.

Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner


  1. "Have we learned anything?" Love the video.

    As for your nephew, he's going to have an amazing adventure. It will transform him in ways he cannot yet imagine. I envy him that.

  2. I'm glad to know your nephew will begin this journey. Wish him well from us and thank him for his passion for our oceans.

  3. my husband is a marine biologist, but he works in an ichthyology lab rather than on the ocean. your nephew is off on a grand adventure. perhaps it is the life he has been seeking, the one that will gentle his soul.

  4. I have one like that, with a degree in Environmental Science, who is passionate about the earth and wild places and animals and every plant in the known universe. How to explain Trump to him and his ilk? How to explain what Mr. T and his assembled goons will do to the natural world, the oceans and our childrens' futures? I think this new adventure will be the making of your nephew and he will finally find his element....

  5. A wild nephew off to wild places, well done him.
