23 April 2017

Sometimes I wish I could type 'help me' into google. I wonder whether this is a sign that I am spending too much time online. Or maybe I want to stop thinking and feeling for a while. Hand it all over to a robot running on binary. Or whatever.

I am not joking.  It's just that I cannot sleep for a million reasons.


  1. Oh, sweet woman! I am so sorry!

  2. Also? Oddly enough I have had the same urge. To type in "help me." Never have done it. Might still do.

  3. I am here, keeping you company.

  4. I feel for you! I can handle most anything as long as I get enough sleep. Take that away and I fall apart. Hope you can eliminate/assassinate/murder all those pesky reasons - one at a time....And I'm not joking either. Sleep deprivation is bad for you.

  5. Oh how we understand those middle-of-the-night impulses. Hang in there.

  6. It sounds like things have hit hard. I take something to sleep, it helps because you've got to stop the loop of thinking. You've got to sleep deeply. See if there is something that will help to get you there, it's appropriate to take something that stops this, at least for 8 hours.

    I'm very sad to see that you are in a place where it seems like there is nothing that will help, so I'm so glad you reached out here, Sabine. I have deep empathy for you and I really want you to get the help you need.

  7. You should try it, just to see what happens! I'm sorry you're not sleeping. :( If it's any consolation, we're all here in blogland, available to support you in whatever way we can.

    Thanks, by the way, for your pointers on amaryllis care. We usually follow a regimen that resembles the one you recommended! This fungus has thrown us a bit of a curve ball, but we'll figure it out.

  8. I never thought of typing "help me" but it does sound like something I will think about now when I'm awake at 2:00 am, and watching the clock. Tick tick tick...

  9. I have done it, help me, many times. Usually a lot of computerforums show up, with advice on how to get it working again.
    In a way, we're all trying to stay connected.

  10. I have done that. I wonder how many other people have.

  11. I feel you, liebe Sabine. Writing is the only thing that helps me sleep most nights. We're all reading your words here, your thoughts, staying connected (as Elsewhere points out). Any help I can send you from across the Pond, do not hesitate to let me know. Any special requests for me to post on my blog for you?
