27 May 2017

Ahh help me baby, or this will surely be the end of me, yeah.

A couple of years ago, I would listen to this song every day and it drove my daughter mad. She banged her door in disgust and called me all sorts of names. I bet she doesn't remember.

Gregg Allman died today. Much too early.


  1. He had a real strong flame, didn't he? We're going to miss him.

  2. Much too young to leave. He was a music legend, how I loved his work.
    Thanks for the song, a lovely tribute.

  3. Some musicians define our personal eras. The world must seem a little bit dimmer for you today.

  4. So many good songs that were a kind of soundtrack to my youth growing up in the south.

  5. I didn't know that! I was never an Allman fan myself, but they were certainly A Thing.

  6. Anonymous28 May, 2017

    We listened to Blue Sky last night and raised a glass of wine in his honor. Such sad news.
