06 June 2018

blog housekeeping

As of May 25th, the new European Data Protection Regulation is applicable in all EU member states to harmonize data privacy laws across Europe. It is a good thing, I have turned to my favourite computer geeks to convince me of this.

And blogger recommends that I inform my readers re comments:
If users leave comments or other contributions, their IP addresses are stored for seven days. This is for our own safety, if someone leaves illegal content in comments and contributions (insults, prohibited political propaganda, etc.). In this case, we ourselves can be prosecuted for the comment or post and are therefore interested in the identity of the author.

I also had a very nice email from a blogger nerd explaining why I can no longer receive email notifications when there are comments to my blog posts waiting for approval - I didn't quite understand why this is so but the email was ever so nice so I must assume this is surely due to a shortcoming in my digital understanding department.
For now and eternity, I probably have to always go to the blogger dashboard and check and click and run around the garden three times etc. - so be patient if your comment takes time to appear and be forgiving if a comment has been lost in the past.
I also found mountains of spam comments overflowing in a newly discovered spam comment file. Life is full of surprises.


  1. I, too, am told this is a Good Thing. If only in understood it!

  2. Leonard Cohen reminded me that the beautiful flowers from your garden are leaning out for love and they will lean that way forever, and then I was reminded of Richard Brautigan's poem, "All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace," first published in 1967.



  3. I cannot begin to understand any of it. And like a tiny child who needs a nap, I just want to cry and say, "Wah! Wah! Wah!"

  4. I don't fully understand this either, but so it is.

  5. Anonymous06 June, 2018

    Ever since blogger changed their data privacy laws, I stopped received blogger email notifications regarding comments on the blog. So, now I have to check the blog to see if there are comments. I have no idea why or how this helps with privacy. Thank you for posting this because I had been wondering if the changes effected email notifications.

  6. I was notified by blogger about the whole European Data Protection Regulation but have no idea what I'm supposed to do about it. post the statement above? just once? every post? and I wondered why I no longer got email notification of new comments. still don't understand why that went by the wayside but apparently it's a side effect.

    1. When I open any blog run on blogger, the same statement appears as a drop down thing from the top, I click on the x and it disappears.
      I just posted it because other European bloggers have cautioned that once you've done that, you've covered your back.

      As far as I understand the new data protection regulation, private/personal blogs are in the clear, as long as we don't blog for money, ie sell stuff, charge fees or use comments and material from our readers for evil deeds such as blackmail, hate speech or worse, sell them to China. And loads more.

      In fact, this new legislation is (hopefully) meant to protect private blogs like ours.

  7. I saw something on a Blogger help forum that led me to believe they're changing the way e-mail notifications are sent, but that they may return. I think their disappearance may be a temporary thing. (I looked it up because I, too, wondered why I was no longer being notified about comments!)

    1. I think you're on to something here. I just got an email notification for your comment. But not for the others.

  8. I've been burying my head in the sand every time I've seen that notification, hoping it had nothing to do with me. Thanks for the explanation. I'm still fuddled but your last lines here give me hope.....

  9. I recd a drop down notification long ago on Blogger which I didn’t totally understand, so I haven’t done anything with it as figured was probably covered elsewhere some how. But I don’t know if it’s the same as you’re talking about cause I understand some more restrictive privacy tech rules were passed in Europe than we presently have in U.S. Gues maybe I better look into it.

  10. I'm with Ms Moon. Wah! wah! wha!

    but I figure out the no comments thing ALL BY MYSELF. These small accomplishments are so satisfying...

  11. There is a way of ensuring the email notifications appear in one's Inbox. I explained it elsewhere, hyphenating the long words (eg, hy-phen-at-ing) to ease others' anguish. This unleashed such a worldwide storm of apathy that I lost heart.
