19 May 2020

everything is going to be alright

flowering horse chestnut

Derek Mahon is an Irish poet, Andrew Scott is an Irish actor.

Today, I think that maybe we can be a society again, not just an economy.


  1. I adore Andrew Scott, and believe everything he says here. Thank you.

  2. Beautiful words spoken with a deep and knowing voice. I can feel the same way when out of doors, preferably walking in a field or lying under a wide tree. Restorative, as is this poem.

  3. It was May 1974, at age 24, when I first saw a flowering horse chestnut here in Washington. I'm sure they grow in California, but I'd never seen one consciously. Not much was all right in my world at that time but the beauty of those flowering trees lining Chestnut Street was something like seeing the ocean for the first time, a glimpse of something speaking clearly that everything is going to be alright. Thank you twice.

  4. Not so sure about that here in the U S of A where things are getting weirder and weirder.

  5. Thank God(dess) for the Irish.

  6. perhaps in the rest of the world where people have a social conscience. Europe sent all it's unwanted...criminals, misfits, political enemies, the poor, the religious extreme...over here and it has shaped our national character. while the dream and the intent was a nation of 'us', it has turned out to be a nation of 'me'.

  7. Anonymous20 May, 2020

    That was so beautiful to listen to... everything is going to be alright. Those words, straight to my heart. Thank you.

  8. He's the lovely priest from Fleabag that all women, well me anyway, lusted after. And a lovely poem. Thank you.
