22 May 2020

never a dull moment

 What should have been just another routine medical appointment turned into a rather lengthy painful procedure involving barfing all over the place and full anesthetics and sleeping it off at home - thankfully. Results in a week or so.

We had about seven drops of rain today. The sum total since I cannot remember when. This is the summer we need to seriously consider gardening in a changed climate. Daily watering is not an option. The rambling rose, however, is coping well. Even on a muggy day.

Words for our time:
The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it emotionally.
Flannery O'Connor

The most prominent and most frightening aspect of the escape from reality (. . . ) lies in the attitude to dealing with facts as if they were opinions.
Hannah Arendt

Also, it's Friday. This is music from Sweden.


  1. My God, that rambling rose bush takes my breath away and gives it right back. Thank you.

  2. I wish that all of us were surviving as beautifully as that rose.
    I am thinking of you.

  3. Anonymous22 May, 2020

    I hope you are feeling better, Sabine, and that the test results are good. Your yard looks so beautiful. That rose! Wow!
    The quotes and music are perfect for these times. Thank you for all of it.

  4. Sleep helps. Yes, thankfully.

    Listening to that music, watching the water flow, and imagining the fragrance of those roses.

  5. Roses are lovely. Hope you’re feeling better.

  6. what a beautiful rose! and your whole garden is just lovely. and what kind of medical procedure causes you to barf all over the place. I definitely don't ever want that one. hope you are feeling better. love the quotes. and the second is what we are dealing with here...people who refuse to believe the facts and science because it's inconvenient for them.

  7. Great to see flowers. Hope all is well.

  8. Oh no! Sorry about the procedural side effects. We are in EXACTLY the same boat regarding rain. I think it's rained twice in the last two months. (Fortunately we had a VERY rainy February, so that saturated the ground ahead of time.) Dave and I are watering but I would love a nice, long rainy day.

  9. well, I, too, never want whatever thing made you barf all over the place!! Hope the sleeping was restorative. Your rose is extraordinary! An old beauty for sure. Thank you for the soothing flowing music.

    Hope you are well. xoxox

  10. I enjoyed the quotes so much.

  11. That rose is stunning. My mum would have loved it.

    Hope you're feeling better now. Stay safe my friend.

  12. I'm sorry you've been feeling horrible. Thank you for the Flannery O'Connor quote -- I just finished teaching a bunch of her short stories to a very resistant student who finally just melted. I grew up in Georgia and feel her in my bones.
