19 July 2020

virologists rule

If you read just one more article about corona, read this whole interview with Dr. Fauci on Medscape
 One quote:
"Two things. One, I just try to express how much I admire the real heroes on the front line for getting in there every day and essentially putting themselves at risk. I'm operating from a different vantage point where I am, but I almost miss the days of being in the trenches with you. So that's the first thing.
The second thing is that, you know, this is so stressful for all of us. I think we have to remember that we're gonna get through this. This is not something that's gonna be forever. We're gonna get through it. It's gonna be over. And we're going to look back and hopefully say we really gave it our best shot. And it's gonna be over from two standpoints: It's going to be over from a public health standpoint if we get it right, public health–wise.
But I think science and good biomedical research are also going to come to the rescue because we're going to get a vaccine, hopefully sooner rather than later, and we will get effective therapeutics. So for the people on the frontlines and in the trenches, hang in there with us. We're all in it together and we're gonna get through it. So that's my message to them."

Apparently, the number of medical students applying to specialise in virology has quadrupled in recent months. At least at the university where I work. 


  1. I have a dear friend who has actually known Dr. Fauci since the early 90’s and he says that the man is even more caring and amazing than we could imagine. I put great trust in his words.

  2. this is only temporary. that was one of my mantras raising my kids. but that's life too isn't it? one temporary situation after another. I had my first covid related dream, that I remember, last night. I'm so glad the rest of the world is working on this as we here are being denied accurate information from our own government that is more concerned with cornering the market on any vaccine than it is in doing whatever it takes to cooperate with other countries in order to get a vaccine. and of course, here at least once developed, only the wealthy and the politicians will be able to get it at first.

  3. Anonymous19 July, 2020

    I am so grateful that we have Dr. Fauci here, doing the hard work of keeping us informed with his wide span of knowledge and his incredibly big heart. Without him, we'd be in even worse shape, if that's possible.

  4. Great interview! I'm a big fan.

  5. Thank you, Sabine, for this link to a good clear message.

  6. I'm so glad this is firing up young people to want to study in this field. Because, let's face it, even when we get done with this coronavirus, there will eventually be another. We need those future experts!

  7. Well that's good to hear.

  8. And now there’s a ridiculous conspiracy theory about the Dr. I find insulting. He seems to be the only sane person addressing the virus issues realistically and honestly.

  9. Good. We need all hands on deck with this virus.
