16 October 2020

sorry sunshine

The test came back negative, the head cold went into overdrive. I am getting better. I think. I cut R's hair today, I made breakfast. The numbers are climbing steadily, the city is quiet, I have been told.

Here’s the thing. If you buy into a false narrative that the body is controllable, that illness can always be prevented, you better realise that you have reached a damaging, erroneous conclusion: the belief that a person’s ill health is their fault. And regarding a pandemic, we better learn that this virus is bigger than what we think we can explain in our imagination and arrogance.

Anyway, this is for all the sorry sunshines in your lives:

This is Winston Peters, a very conservative, right wing NZ politician. Currently deputy PM but on his way out. Still, he got it.


  1. I don't think I'll watch. I can imagine what he says, more or less! Glad your test was negative.

  2. So glad your test was negative, Sabine. Great video, "the earth is flat." LOL!

  3. Good to know you are getting better.

    So much is beyond what can be prevented or explained or controlled. It's a hard lesson to learn. Always more lessons. And beauty.

  4. phew! negative test. sorry your cold is beating you up though. virus numbers are climbing everywhere but at least everywhere else the governments are trying to help unlike over here where Trump's approach now is 'live with it'.

  5. Yes, you are so right, we didn't exactly intend to have the various diseases that come our way, but neither do I think a big hand decided to drop them upon us willy nilly...however, as I have 2-3 chronic conditions too, I think we do have the choice of what to do with whatever we've ended up with...and I do think all my cheese and butter eating contributed to my heart attack. So I'm doing what I have as choices in the matter for now...and rejoicing when I get better on one or another illness...or smiling when I continue surviving on another one. I definitely am sad and perhaps angry when yet another condition comes along. Getting old isn't for the faint of heart as "they" say. I'm grateful for each day that I have to make choices.

  6. So glad it’s a garden variety head cold. Feel better soon, my friend.

  7. Your second paragraph is, as we used to say in the late 1960's, "right on!"

  8. I think Jacinda should retain him, just as a spokesperson y'understand. No power. And launch a medal for conciseness in public utterance.

    Over three long holidays there, which threatened deracination, I played the smartyboots; it is, after all, my default state. Some tolerated me, some gave me hell. They were less certain how to react when I turned up with a bottle of expensive wine (ie, NZ$25 = £8 in those days) and donated it to the dinner-table at remote farmstays. The French have an aphorism (apophthegm?) Bien dans sa peau and I think it applies to the North and South Island alike.

  9. I'm glad the test was negative. You're right, illness is not always preventable and we will all eventually sicken and die, if not shot by a jealous lover of course. It is the fate of all humans to die but it's what we do while we're here that matters. Is the earth a better or a worse place when we shuffle off this mortal coil?

    Stay safe my friend.

  10. Takes all kinds. Glad your test negative but sorry cold is such a booger. Do feel better soon.

  11. Good to read your ok Sabine.
