19 March 2022


Spring, definitely, colourful, noisy and thanks to the winds from Africa, sandy. 

I am not well, what else is new. Yesterday, I gave a short presentation of a woman in her 60s who is fed up with chronic illness flare ups and the tedious pretense of remaining cool and calm. It was quite a performance, if I may say so, which was met with a solid round of applause from the one person who has seen it all over the years. Bless him.

I cancelled all appointments and tasks for the coming week which was supposedly a holiday week, with plans to climb mountains/cross the seas and have a haircut, obviously, and now I am blissfully resigned to listening falling asleep to podcasts and getting lost on the internets., while R has taken on my assignment for today, namely power cleaning the patio and greenhouse. He usually hates power cleaning and gave a little speech just now to tell me that he is doing this in exchange of me getting better. We shall see. 

So, here is what keeps me entertained.

More sheep and sheep dogs.

Stuff about dreams. Although I would have guessed, flying is on top of any list.
Human evolution, briefly:

Groundbreaking scientific findings: 


Benefits of swearing

Swearing in the physical therapy setting should be used to accomplish specific goals, such as relief from pain or stress. When swearing is based on biopsychosocial utility, it may add significant value if used correctly. Swearing tends to be more tolerated in private settings and among peers as opposed to a more formal and public setting. Swearing can lead to tighter human bonds and create informal environments where people are more likely to be themselves [3]. Social groups depend on some degree of shared willingness to participate in risks or taboo practices, swearing being one of them. In the physical therapy setting, an improved relationship or positive connection between a patient and a physical therapist, otherwise known as the therapeutic alliance, has been linked to improvements in musculoskeletal pain.

 It is advised to use a swear word that you would use in response to banging your head accidentally [15]. If no clear swear words come to mind, the S-word and F-word are the two most common swear words [8, 9] and were used by many of the subjects in the research showing the positive effects of swearing. There is evidence that a patient needs to use an actual swear word, not a made up or bad sounding word, to elicit the pain and physical performance improvements.

I can only recommend that you read the complete article, it's an excellent read, click here.


  1. Well, this was fun. So sorry you aren't doing so well right now so I hope you used shit and fuck profusely during your tirade. The most common dream thing was interesting. I've never dreamed of snakes but I have had dreams where my teeth are falling out. My most common dream is it's test/exam day and not only can I not find the classroom, I haven't even attended class or read the textbook.

  2. Well, you may not be feeling well, but you certainly made me laugh out loud and I shout a Thank You for that. My most favorite swear word is FUCK. I think it might be in most of my sentences these days. And truly What The Fuck is the undercurrent of almost everything. I have never dreamed of snakes or my teeth falling out. It's been many, many years since I remembered a dream (ever since that "neurological event" of 2011 that changed everything and took my dreams with it).
    I hope you keep finding things to stay entertained, and that you start to feel better. Please take care there, Sabine.

  3. I love that dog!

    I always tell my patients to swear and I swear with certain patients. You have to know your audience quite well:)

    This article proves what I have long thought. Maybe I'll print it out and hang it up at work. Thanks and have a lovely week.

  4. I like learning about swearing having therapeutic benefits...it doesn't seem to help when hitting my head, or my shins, which are more likely. Dreams these days are triggered by meds I'm taking...which seem to be with other people trying to accomplish something or another. I'm quite mad about my bod not letting me enjoy a beautiful day outside. Hope you feel better soon.

  5. Sheepherding dogs are amazing. They always remind me of a little thing they used to run on Sesame Street when my kids were little. There was herding dog and the song went like, "I'm a dog, a working dog, I'm a hard-working dog."
    I'm not sure I've ever dreamed about snakes but definitely about teeth falling out. It's comforting to know that I'm not the only one. Must be a very primal fear.
    The article about swearing delighted me. I am a very frequent and (I like to think) proficient swearer. My most basic judgement on whether or not I can be friends with someone is if we can say the F word around each other. If not, well...probably not going to work out.
    Now rest up and try and feel a bit better. Fuck that fucking shitty disease.

  6. "To elicit the positive effects on pain and physical performance, without negative consequences, patients should not swear at the physical therapist."

    As I read these words, I burst into laughter and laughed and laughed. Then I read it again and laughed some more. Without swearing, I broke a taboo. No laughing about serious matters involving physical therapy. Each time I read those words, I start laughing again.

    Maybe because I just underwent physical therapy for low back pain. It was recommended that I buy an exercise ball and do the exercises shown on a printout. I spent money I don't have on an exercise ball and it turns out that I get severe motion sickness from sitting on exercise balls. I felt too sick to swear. Ginger tea (recommended by Dr. Google) relieved the nausea.

    It is good to know that since I don't swear except under extreme duress that my swearing is most beneficial. I love science.

    Laughter is good medicine, a proven pain reliever.

    I have recurring dreams of whales and the ocean and trying to get back home on dry land before dark or in the dark. Just a few nights ago in my dream I was trying to get back home after dark and went to a store to ask for directions. The directions given were questionable. I suggested that we try Google maps.

    Appropriately for my geographical location and that of my ancestors, I do dream of my teeth falling out now and then.

    Bless you and R. You two are dear to me. Speaking of dreams, I can recall a wonderful dream where you and R visited me here in Bellingham.

    A solid round of applause for you and R.

  7. That dream map is wild! I'm sorry to hear that you're not feeling/doing well. I hope it passes. And thank you for the swearing article -- I wish I were part of that research study!

  8. Whatever keeps our world going is what we all must settle on but know you have other things on your mind. Keep dreaming wherever it takes you.

  9. OK, that map about dreams is the most interesting thing I've seen all day. I never would have guessed that so many people dream about snakes. And hats in Greece? And squirrels in Namibia?

    It's kind of poignant that people in Ethiopia dream about shoes.

    I'm sorry you've been unwell. Thank goodness the interwebs are here to keep us all amused.

  10. Giving in to sleep when it claims you is wise. Your body is repairing itself. Soon you will be power washing the porch again. I am glad you showed out in your presentation. I hope swear words were involved.

  11. Next time you power-clean the patio, but with panache and artistic endeavour. Whorls and Warhol splashes of foam. In fact, you don't need to go that far. Try pronouncing "whorls" for a summa cum laude in English.
