27 April 2016

Stormy, cold and wet. Outside on our quiet street, the kids from the primary school down the road are doing their cycling tests. Never mind the weather. It's all noisy chatter, bells and colourful raincoats as one after another cycles in lines and circles, practicing their turning and indicating and stopping skills under the supervision of an elderly police man, a couple of teachers and several mothers hiding under large umbrellas. I have been told that next, they will cycle on real streets with real traffic in long single file to the Italian ice cream parlour to celebrate their achievements with great cheer. This is the future.


  1. That is about the most charming thing I've ever heard of. Cycling tests?
    So, so sensible.

  2. Interesting that primary schools there teach bicycling. Is that for safety? Competition? Stormy weather returned here too. And our skies look like your beautiful photo.

  3. Yes, it's for safety. Until they have passed the test, kids are only allowed to cycle on footpaths with an adult on the road beside them and have to have an orange flag on their bikes (high on a flagpost-like stick so that car drivers can see it). Once they have passed the test, they can cycle to school alone. As most schools here don't allow cars near the school gates - for safety -, most kids walk or cycle anyway.

  4. Wow. This makes so much sense. You paint such a vivid picture.

  5. There are many more people of all ages on bicycles in recent years, here in Bellingham. Given that there are lots of hills in Bellingham, that amazes me. I hardly ever seen children on bicycles unless their parents are riding bicycles with them. As children, we were free to explore on bicycles and on foot. My parents didn't have bicycles and weren't walkers. Although I don't have a bicycle as an adult, I love to walk on the trails in and around Bellingham. Much of Bellingham is accessible through a series of bicycle and walking trails and quiet neighborhoods with alleys. Your river photos are beautiful. So are the ones that show your bike on the road to and from work.
