07 October 2018

On Friday, these two extraordinary individuals were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. I don't find it coincidental that this year's laureates are dediacted campaigners against sexual violence.

I told them that I wanted to look the men who raped me in the eye and see them brought to justice. More than anything else, I said, I want to be the last girl in the world with a story like mine.
Nadia Murad, in her own words

At a time when men are being encouraged – by Trump and many others – to reassert patriarchal domination to demean women, to dismiss women and to define themselves in toxic ways against women, and to brag about how they can assault us with impunity, I would say: he is a model for men.

Eve Ensler about Dr Denis Mukwege

Dr Mukwege features in the documentary City of Joy (see my last post) and if you haven't watched it yet, do so. It will lift your spirits.



am said...

Thank you, my friend, for this post.

My spirits were lifted when I saw that Nadia Murad and Dr. Denis Mukwege had been awarded the Nobel Peace prize. My spirits were lifted just seeing the trailer for "City of Joy." I have yet to see "City of Joy" but will soon if my friend with Netflix will let me watch it with her.

Ms. Moon said...

May this be part of the wave of change. Right now I am going through some bad stuff because of the whole Kavanaugh thing- once again, a man has been told that what he did to a woman is of no consequence while the woman (how many women?) will never not suffer.

Linda d said...

Some days I feel so tired.

If that man would just be a decent human being. If he didn't believe or if he disagreed, it would be one thing. But that is not his MO. He just divides and emboldens horrible people and inflames the worst of people.

Elizabeth said...

Yes. Thank goodness for this Nobel news. There IS good everywhere. Unfortunately, there is so much that is just plain shit, too.

ellen abbott said...

what is wrong with men that they loathe women so much, that they need to repress and humiliate them to feel powerful.

Steve Reed said...

I could definitely use some spirit-lifting! These two seem like extremely worthy Nobel recipients.

Anonymous said...

This Nobel news is so good and heartening. We are in a wave of white male privilege here, but I'm so hoping it will be washed away by a blue wave of strong women.

Colette said...

I was delighted to see these two individuals win. It couldn't have happened at a better time, and it was important for the Nobel Committee to remind us all of right and wrong.

Joared said...

I was glad to see these awards. Really hard to understand why more men don’t come forward to advocat for women. That is what is needed.