03 January 2020

B stands for mysteries

And now letter B in my list of music on a Friday (thank you Robin for this).

This song speaks to me in so many ways. And I am not a fan of Portishead or Beth Gibbons in general, just this song. Which I think is near perfect.

It has been a comfort and reassurance. I first listened to it when I was knocked sideways with a diagnosis that since has changed almost all aspects of my/our life here, when the easy way out would be to withdraw into anger and loss and misery. But that would mean to let go of mysteries, of wonder, of that whole shebang of living with all my senses. I try, believe me, I do. It's brilliant at times, not always but we are all going through shit, aren't we.


  1. That is a lovely song. Yeah, we're all going through shit, we each have our own. I think as long as we keep on trying, that's the important part. Take care woman.

  2. That is such a beautiful song. I've never heard Beth Gibbons before and truly loved listening to this. Thank you for posting it.

  3. your illness makes you miserable enough without falling into it mentally. if anyone needs wonder and mysteries and living with all your senses, it is those with this horrible mess.

  4. This is a good one Sabine. I like her voice.

    Hope you are getting closer to 80%

  5. From the first few seconds, I was absolutely certain I had heard this beautiful song before. But where? With a little googling, I could see that it was released in 2002 but still no context came to mind. Then it occurred to me that it was you who introduced me to this song. It made a powerful impression then and has stayed with me and made another deep impression today.


    I was thinking about you early this morning. About the 30% and the 80%. My thought was that the part of you that won't let go of mystery and wonder is not confined or limited by percentages. Science cannot measure that part of you. There is cause for hope in that which cannot be measured.

  6. Beautiful, soothing, hopeful.
