23 September 2020

The real test is not the virus but our response to it

One thing I know—and this is the central paradox of COVID-19—is that despite the isolation, we are not alone. The pandemic has brought about a sense of shared human consciousness and experience. A friend emails to say: “I find I’m beginning to tune out the politics of it and get more into the humanity of it.” Maybe this is what COVID-19 means: a referendum on humanity. A societal performance review.

 Kennedy Warne

 The only way to fight the plague is with decency. 

Albert Camus (The Plague)

and for the winter, this:








Linda said...

If only I could tune out the politics. I am trying though.

Great mask tip!

am said...

Yes. Yes. Yes.
Thank you!

ellen abbott said...

of course I didn't understand a word but I love her expressions and gestures!

I wish this country would get into the humanity of it. unfortunately, America is filled with assholes.

My life so far said...

I think it has brought out the best and the worst in people. I know I'm worn out and not looking forward to the next year but it's not like we have a choice. Carry on.

The mask from a sock is quite amazing but my socks have holes in them:)

37paddington said...

If the only way to fight the plague is with decency, America may be lost. Still I hope against hope for magic ahead.

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to tune out politics, but it seems to show up everywhere. The sock-mask video is great. I'm going to try it!

Sackerson said...

Great Camus quote! I've just shared it elsewhere.