16 January 2022

Sunday morning

I listened to the statistics, so many will get this disease and another percentage will get that and then I heard someone say that a hundred per cent of all people will die and felt such relief because we are all in this together.

Lani O'Hanlon


Colette said...

We are.

am said...

"... Barefoot on common grass I lay down with kin."

Lani O'Hanlon

Thank you so much for the introduction to Lani O'Hanlon. Thank you for the beautiful song sung by Bill Callahan. I dreamed last night that my R gave me some of his formal clothing and a pair of levis to keep for him until we had to say goodbye. I ran to meet him where he was waiting at the train station, about to get on a train. I wasn't too late. We found peace there.

Ms. Moon said...

That fact strangely comforts me too.

ellen abbott said...

Yes, we all eventually come to the same end. I'm no longer afraid of covid since it seems to be evolving into a less virulent virus. I've had all my shots and wear a mask in buildings though we still have not ventured into a movie theater, probably the thing I miss most as we weren't in the habit of eating out or going to concerts/plays/etc. I suppose we will be getting our covid shot every year like some people get a flu shot every year. It does seem like we'll all get it eventually. My unvaxxed grandson got it and one of my vaxxed granddaughters got it. I'm staying away from the family until they get the results of their tests taken yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for that beautiful song. We are all in this together. Always.

Linda said...

Incredible voice!

I'm not in a big hurry YET but, yes, we are walking each other home even if reluctantly.

Pixie said...

That's so true. We forget, I forget. We're all gonna die.

Steve Reed said...

It gives us a sense of control to think we can manage our health -- but we're taking care of the process, not the end result!

Elizabeth said...

Yes to all of it and all of the comments.