16 August 2024

hopefulness is a warrior emotion

Over breakfast this morning on the patio, we reminded each other that has been 45 years since we started our life together, during an unseasonally warm, almost hot August way out in the west of Ireland, Connemara. It is what it is.

While the days continue to be hot and muggy, the mornings are pleasantly cool now, with the sun rising later allowing for morning shadow beside the pear trees on the patio. Strange as it is, the wasps and bees are keeping their distance. We invited neighbours and their friends to help themselves to the Victoria plums at their own risk (re insects and ladder) and people have picked buckets of them. There's still loads left, higher up. Tomorrow, I will look at a second hand automatic preserver someone down the road is selling. This should solve the pear situation.

It's been a hard week, my bicycle has been in for service/repair for two weeks now. I am bereft. 

My food intake has been dismal. We are discussing long distance travel now in light of this and agreed that I need to seek medical opinion first. I can see myself in some airport transit lounge hugging my bloated abdomen - not.

So this here offers some balm.


  1. Hope next week is better and that your health issues will grant you the time to travel in peace.

    Aside from that, I love knowing that August was the beginning of the 45 years you and R have been together. The image of the day you met and the circumstances is vivid in my mind.

  2. Beautiful. I will be remembering that letter.

  3. I love that letter and thank you for introducing me to Nick Cave. I hope your bike is fixed soon too. Happy anniversary. Sending hugs.

  4. thank you for that. and I'm sending hope for you that you get better and can visit your granddaughter.

  5. Congrats on 45 years of love. I am also hoping you are able to make that trip.

  6. That Nick Cave thing was so wonderful -- I'm glad that it's being passed around all over the world!

  7. Happy anniversary! 45 years is quite an achievement!
